Energy Otomation Systems
Energy saving and protection of sources have had a priority in public sectors and private sectors. In the cases of these priorities, the sustainable building management makes offset between usage of energy and comfort of the users. Essipecially for last decades energy had been really important,as a source of vital . That is why controlling the energy is first step and like a starting point to be occured the conditions of efficiently operating and consuming.
Due to the statute about enegy efficiency (number 5627) which was promulgated on 2 May 2007 and entered in force on 1 january 2015 , monitoring the energy and control of the energy was made obligatory for the firms and its punishment is updating in a regular period of time. With our Professional technic team in energy efficiency. Both Power Monitoring and Power Scada are completely performed with all processes including main distrubution panels.
The energy otomation systems, which we set , provide controlling and monitoring of states and faults of low voltage panels, generators, transformers at the facilities. The energy otomation systems, which we set, provide controlling and monitoring of states and faults of low voltage panels , generators, transformers at the facilities. Moreover the medium voltage cutter and divider monitoring and controlling; current,voltage,power,power factor,active-reactive energy consumption monitoring,protection relay monitoring and controlling are also provided by energy otomation systems. In addition occurring alarms and malfunctions on the system and to be informed to operators in real-time , regularize report of system energy consumption to come into service to operator’s considiration also include turnover of energy otomations systems.